Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Request for Copyrighted Content Removal
We take copyright infringement VERY seriously !!!

Please note that we DO NOT host any files or copyrighted material on this website. We DO NOT host torrent files, torrent hash data, and or any torrent metafiles. Furthermore, we have absolutely no control over removing any content from any other site. If you found us using a site that linked to us, then please contact THEM.

That being said, you CAN NOT in “good faith” believe that any copyrighted work that you believe is being infringed is not authorized to be displayed on our site.

If you still insist on sending us a notice of content removal, then we provide a copyrighted content removal service to copyright owners or their authorized representatives.

If you wish to report a copyright infringement that you have found on this website, please send us a formal request which our Copyright Abuse Department will thoroughly review. As an important reminder, WE DO NOT HOST any copyrighted materials on this website and we must, as such, thoroughly review all copyrighted content removal requests.

Important Notice
Anonymous or incomplete messages will not be dealt with.

We don’t react to threats and will ban your email address from ever reaching us. Please be polite, and REMEMBER, WE DO NOT HOST ANY FILES!
Thank you for your understanding. Please click on Support menu above to request any removal of copyrighted content.

To begin the copyrighted content removal request process, please send us a proper copyrighted content removal request. A copyrighted content removal request MUST HAVE ALL of the following information or our Copyright Abuse Department will not be able to properly review your request:

Required information
Please note that we only review copyrighted content removal request that FULLY MEET the following requirements:
1.Identify yourself as either:
a. The owner of a copyrighted work(s)
b. A person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

State your contact information, including your TRUE NAME, street address, telephone number, and email address so that our Copyright Abuse Department can easily contact you.
Identify the copyrighted work that you believe is being infringed, or if a large number of works are appearing on a single website, a representative list of the works.
Identify the material that you claim is infringing your copyrighted work, and which you are requesting that the site remove. FOR WEB OR INTERNET SEARCH, YOU MUST IDENTIFY EACH SEARCH RESULT THAT DIRECTLY LINKS TO A WEB PAGE OR FILE THAT ALLEGEDLY CONTAINS INFRINGING MATERIAL. This requires you to provide (a) the search query that you used, and (b) the URL for each allegedly infringing search result. Identify the material by its exact URL(s).
State that you in good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agents, or the law. REMEMBER, WE DO NOT HOST ANY FILES!
State that the information in the notice is accurate, under penalty of perjury.
Enter in the Subject field the following title “Copyrighted Content Removal Request”.

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